Manage Your Applications on 
Kubernetes clusters
in your Cloud, in Minutes

Get out-of-the-box, best practice management of your applications on Kubernetes clusters. Production-ready in your cloud. Focus on what matters!

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Explore snapblocs using your cloud account OR use our free Sandbox environment credit. We make it easy to try!

Kubernetes cluster blueprint solution bloc library stack deployment into your cloud provider

 DIY App management on Kubernetes in the cloud is hard!

The DIY trap 

Creating a production-level Kubernetes solution at scale takes a lot of work. What seems like a quick POC can turn into months, becoming a costly distraction. Dashboards and security are often short-changed.

Talent scarcity 

Teams may not have expertise in cloud platform tools and services. The learning curve can be challenging, especially in multi-cloud use cases. Projects end up competing for scarce resources.

Cost control 

Implementing cost optimization for each provider is distinct and monitoring them requires different visualization dashboards for aggregating all enterprise cloud consumption.


IT teams must deal with siloed vendor tools, a lack of consolidated monitoring across cloud environments. For example, the way to scale Kubernetes clusters is different among them.

Vendor lock-in 

Due to the lack of standardization and different supporting Kubernetes versions, a managed Kubernetes becomes deeply integrated with other cloud services from the same provider, including storage, networking, monitoring, logging, and load balancing.

Manual management of worker nodes 

Cloud providers manage the Kubernetes control plane. However, customers must manage Kubernetes worker nodes, such as bootstrapping worker nodes, multiple node groups/pools, Kubernetes taints, and Kubernetes Metrics Server.

Not easy to upgrade 

Upgrading cluster components to newer versions is not fully automatic

Management complexity 

Implementing Kubernetes solutions following the recommended well-architecture guideline from each cloud provider is different and complex. Each has its portal, its APIs, and its unique processes for managing its Kubernetes environment.

Manual repair for unhealthy nodes 

To allow additional pods to be scheduled on the node or adequately configure the network, you need to manage unhealthy resources manually.

Multi-Cloud is a challenge 

Cross-provider operability is a challenge due to vendor-specific implementations and the self-integration of their other services. Aggregate management and monitoring remain fractured solutions.

snapblocs cloud platform automation

snapblocs Kubernetes+

Spend more time developing your containerized applications and less time building Kubernetes infrastructure.

Provision and deploy your containerized applications on production-grade Kubernetes clusters in minutes with snapblocs dpStudio SaaS UI.

snapblocs dashboards and observability

snapblocs dpStudio main dashboard
snapblocs dpStudio stack dashboard
snapblocs dpStudio stack cluster nodes dashboard

Rich dashboards that monitor your services, applications, configurations, and change management.

+ Built-in Elasticsearch for Observability = logging, metrics, Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

+ Kibana as an data visualization tool

Focus on what you do best

snapblocs dpStudio automates many data platforms, including our Kubernetes+ platform via our blueprint solution bloc library.

  • Low-Code, lowers skill requirements
  • Deliver projects faster, better
  • Free up scarce resources
  • Focus on your core work
  • Less tech debt

snapblocs automates architecture

snapblocs automates based on the "well-architected" guides such as "AWS Well-Architected for AWS" and Google "Cloud Architecture Framework." for the provisioning and configuring of production-grade Kubernetes clusters and workload deployment into the clusters.

snapblocs Low-code Architecture-as-a-Service

Architecture-as-a-Service: The Evolution of Cloud Computing as a Service

Low-code Architecture-as-a-Service: The Evolution of Cloud Computing “as a Service”. Read the article

Cloud platform evolution

Discussing Architecture-as-a-Service

Pavan Belagatti, the award-Winning Tech writer, discusses our vision for low-code Architecture-as-a-Service. Read Pavan's post

Realize the benefits of snapblocs and Kubernetes for your Containerized Applications

snapblocs Kubernetes+ Platform enables you to deploy and manage your Kubernetes cluster quickly and easily in your cloud environment. Utilize the Low-Code Self-Service UI, dashboards, and observability features.

You can deploy and scale your applications quickly and easily on a well-managed Kubernetes+ Platform. Don't waste time building your tools; spend your time building your applications.

 Namespaces for team separation

Achieve team-level isolation concurrently accessing the same cluster resources. Namespaces create multiple logical clusters from a single Kubernetes cluster making efficient use of resources.

 Set Resource Requests & Limits

Set Resource Requests & Limits to avoid cases where applications drain all the cluster resources, specifically CPU and Memory. The efficient resource usage by applications and services helps avoid capacity downtime.

 Use readinessProbe & livenessProbe

Kubernetes Check Probes proactively avoids pod failures. These features ensure the application is ready to start serving traffic before allowing traffic to a pod. Applications remain responsive and running as intended by performing a health check. If the liveness probe fails, Kubeletes default policy restarts the container to bring it back up.

 Cluster Autoscaling

Leverage Kubernetes’ Autoscaling mechanisms to automatically scale cluster services with a surge in resource consumption. With a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and a Cluster Autoscaler, node and pod volumes get adjusted dynamically in real-time, thereby maintaining load to the optimum level and avoiding capacity downtimes.

 Terminate Pods with Grace

Make sure the application handles terminations gracefully for creating a stable system and providing a great user experience.

 Cloud-Managed SSL Certificates

Integrate cloud-managed SSL certificates with the external load balancer(s), ensuring that client-server communication is always encrypted.

 Kubernetes Ingress Controller

Expose multiple HTTP services outside the Kubernetes cluster for cost optimization and reduce the number of load balancers within the cluster.

Kubernetes cluster blueprint solution bloc library stack deployment into your cloud provider

Why Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. Kubernetes provides the ability to automate application provisioning and scaling required by the application's workload.

 Agile application lifecycle

Agile application lifecycle: Increase ease and efficiency in continuous development, integration, and deployment compared to other implementations such as physical servers or VM images.

 Decouple applications from infrastructure

Dev creates application container images at build time, and Ops builds and manages infrastructure.

 Built-in Observability

Provide OS-level information and metrics as well as application health and other signals.


Build once, deploy anywhere across development, testing, and production. It reduces time and effort by deploying the same applications from a laptop to the cloud.

 Horizontal Pod Autoscale

Optimize resource usage and costs by automatically scaling a cluster up and down with demand.

 Resource isolation

Isolate groups of resources within a single cluster to increase security and predictable application performance.

 Open source:

Avoid vendor lock-in as a fully open-source, community-led project overseen by the CNCF.

snapblocs automates platforms for devops

For DevOps

With the snapblocs Kubernetes+ Platform, your provision and deploy production-grade Kubernetes clusters in minutes with snapblocs dpStudio SaaS UI. Developers get easy self-service provisioning while Operations teams get centralized control, security and monitoring.

 Self-service, provisioning, low-code, iterate quickly

Self-Service enables DevOps to automate provisioning using dpStudio, and eliminate any hand coding.

  • Provide portability across multiple cloud providers.
  • The low-code approach eliminates the need for any code/template writing with Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, etc.
  • Manage multiple clusters through dpStudio with a pre-built-in observability

 Robust RBAC and security

The permission mechanism in snapblocs uses Role-based access control (RBAC) for restricting  SaaS application features based on the roles of individual members within your dpStudio account. 

 Full lifecycle management including pause, clone

Pause and Resume

  • Save computing cost by terminating all EC2 instances 
  • Save effort and time by resuming a paused stack instead of rebuilding a stack from scratch and reloading business applications and data
  • Protect data by terminating applications when not in use

Clone and Move

  • With a build once, deploy anywhere approach, clone a stack is significantly more efficient, ensuring consistent configurations from development to production. 
  • Cloning enables the reuse of the same skillsets for development and operations no matter where the stack is built and deployed.
  • Spend more time developing your crucial business applications vs. replicating platform infrastructure and troubleshooting. 
  • Significantly reduce errors when promoting applications from lower to upper environments, through templated deployment, using the clone or move features within snapblocs. 

 Built-in observability and dashboards

By default, built-in observability provides pre-configured monitoring of the runtime behavior of the Kubernetes cluster. snapblocs uses Prometheus and Elastic Observability for logging, metrics, application performance monitoring (APM).

 Built-in cost estimator tool and cost management

The estimate monthly cost for cloud resources before deploying the stack eliminates the budget surprise.

 UI control for Cluster Autoscaler

dpStudio provides the UI control for the Cluster Autoscaler for automatically adjusting the number of nodes in Kubernetes cluster when pods fail or are rescheduled onto other nodes.

 Ingress enabled

A NGINX Ingress Controller is installed by default without a manual installation so that Ingress controller abstracts away the complexity of Kubernetes application traffic routing and provides a bridge between Kubernetes services and external ones.

Kubernetes, ready-to-go

snapblocs Kubernetes+ Platform combines multiple best-in-class open-source technologies as ready-to-go solution-blocs with out-of-the-box configuration and integration. Customization can be done quickly, without coding.

 Amazon EKS - Google GKE - Microsoft AKS

snapblocs utilizes Amazon's EKS, Google's GKE, or Microsoft's AKS. You can provision and configure production-grade Kubernetes clusters and deploy workloads into the clusters within your cloud account. snapblocs' abstraction model and advanced abstraction model works consistently across all three vendors.


Kubernetes container orchestration system for application deployment and scaling

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It is used to deploy selected Components.

  • Self-Service enables DevOps to automate provisioning and management using dpStudio, eliminating hand-coding
  • Provide portability across multiple cloud providers
  • No need for Vagrant, Packer, Terraform
  • Full lifecycle management: start, update, terminate, pause, resume, clone, move, etc.
  • Built-in observability with Elastic Observability for logging, metrics, APM, and Prometheus pre-configured by default for monitoring runtime behavior of the Kubernetes cluster
  • Cost Estimator
  • Cluster Autoscaler
  • Ingress enabled


Elastic observability for monitoring and alerting and application performance monitoring

Elastic is the monitoring framework that provides the observability needed for answering questions about what's happening inside your system. You can monitor, alert, and even do application performance monitoring with Elastic.


Grafana data visualization

Grafana is open-source software that makes it easy to create visualizations and analytics for your infrastructure. It lets you quickly identify system problems, debug issues, and minimize disruption to services.

Get more done!

Leverage a self-service, ready to go, Kubernetes container-orchestration solution for automating your containerized application deployment, management, and scaling. Don't spend time on the plumbing. Spend your time on what matters!

 For rapid growth organizations

The agility to scale efficiently makes Kubernetes applications essential in rapidly growing organizations. The Kubernetes infrastructure makes it easier to identify scaling bottlenecks and resolve them at a per-service level.

 Migrate legacy applications to Kubernetes

Modernize Legacy applications by porting them to the Kubernetes platform. A container-based architecture, orchestrated with Kubernetes, improves application reliability and scalability while decreasing developer and operations overhead.

 Extend legacy application functionalities

Use a Kubernetes platform to add new functionality to an existing extensive legacy system. The desired new business functionality can be created as one or more Kubernetes applications to replace or augment portions of the legacy system.

 Build web apps

Deploy your web applications with snapblocs Kubernetes+. Scale easier, benefit from higher availability, and lower costs. Kubernetes+ also makes it easier to release new applications quickly allowing your to iterate faster.

 Make workloads portable

Because container apps are separate from infrastructure, apps become portable when running on Kubernetes. Move them from local machines to production among on-premises, hybrid, and multiple Cloud environments while maintaining consistency across environments.

 Scale containers easily

Define complex containerized applications and deploy them across a cluster of servers or even multiple clusters with Kubernetes. As Kubernetes scales applications according to the desired state, it automatically monitors and maintains container health.

 Build more extensible apps

A sizeable open-source community of developers and companies actively build extensions and plugins that add security, monitoring, and management capabilities to Kubernetes.

snapblocs Kubernetes+ compared

snapblocs’ Kubernetes+ platform delivers complete functional data solutions for our customers. We provide operational tooling and enablement and well-designed architecture out of the box.

Key Functionality Other Kubernetes Platforms  snapblocs Kubernetes Platform
Kubernetes based Yes Yes
Pause, resume, clone, and move stack  No Yes
Observability Y (K8S only) Y+ (K8S + Components)
Add your own components Manual Self-service UI
Platform blueprints (complete solution stacks) No Yes
Integrate open source components  Manual / Custom Platform blueprints & UI
Component configuration  Manual UI or Manual
Configuration of node group for application on kubernetes+ platform

Low-Code, Self-Service configuration of your application components

Deploy your application as a component. The snapblocs UI makes it easy to configure, manage and optimize your application deployment.

snapblocs configuration for application on kubernetes+ platform


The snapblocs Kuberenetes+ Platform includes Elasticsearch, which can be used for a wide range of use cases. It's an excellent tool for full-text search, log analytics, security intelligence, and business analytics! This distributed search and analytics engine is built on Apache Lucene.


snapblocs provides everything you need to start utilizing Elasticsearch data. The snapblocs Kuberenetes+ Platform includes and provisions Kibana, which is an open-source user interface for visualizing your Elasticsearch data and navigating the Elastic Stack. It can be used for log and time-series analytics, application monitoring, and operational intelligence use cases and more.


snapblocs Architecture-as-a-Service delivers instant value

Day 2 level operations out of the box

  • High availability
  • Data protection
  • Data security
  • Monitoring
  • Configurable alerts
  • Health checks
  • Cost optimization
  • Easy debugging of topic data
  • Easy overriding of Kafka parameters
  • Scaling on demand
  • Graceful shutdown
  • Pause, Resume cluster without data loss
adding value to confluent kafka on Kubernetes in the cloud

Get instant Day-2 Level Operations 

Self-service fully automated Kubernetes clusters deployed in your cloud environment. Click to deploy, scale at will. 

  • Self-service for DevOps and agile teams
  • Automated Day-2 operational Kafka clusters
  • Best practice security, dashboards
  • Configure, deploy, manage and monitor
  • Pause, resume, clone, scale
  • Built-in observability
data Platform solution blocs lifecycle management
snapblocs architecture as a service solution blocs on kubernetes

Leverage additional snapblocs platforms

snapblocs offers a pre-fab blueprint library that combines multiple best-in-class open-source technologies into ready-to-go solution-blocs on Kubernetes

  • Data Platforms for Moving, Ingesting, Transforming, Processing, Storing, Analyzing, and Presenting data.
  • PLUS, Development Platforms for Kubernetes and Microservices.

snapblocs makes it easy to Deploy and Manage Data Platform stacks

How to deploy a stack

This video will explores Component Configuration, Stack Deployment and Stack Teardown.

How to manage the lifecycle of a stack

This video demonstraights Pausing, Resuming, Cloning and Moving stacks.

Multi-Cloud - Click to deploy

Companies today typically have 2.6 public clouds in actual use, and 92% of companies have chosen multi-cloud. snapblocs makes it easy to abstract the management and cost optimization for your Kubernetes clusters among multi-cloud providers

snapblocs dpStudio supports the major cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure.

Leverage our Kubernetes+ Platform as an infrastructure abstraction: Configure once and run in multiple clouds.

Confluent Kafka on Amazon AWS
Amazon Web Services - AWS
Kafka event streaming on Microsoft Azure
Kafka on Google Cloud Platform - GCP

Start your free Kubernetes+ Platform today

Deploy a Kubernetes+ Platform and many other data platforms using the snapblocs blueprint library.


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 dpStudio Videos

Tutorials and How-to-Videos show how dpStudio and our blueprint library can reduce your development cycle. 

View the dpStudio Videos 

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